Learn from People
In life you meet different kinds of people. You meet some in the boring ride in the subway. You meet a nice seatmate in a conference. You meet friends during your stay in a foreign country. Not everyone will be good to you. Not everyone will become your friends. Some will just say hi. Some will be a bitch. But every day that you’re given a chance to meet new people, always keep in mind to learn something from them. It could be a simple fact that the temperature in Dubai is awfully hot or what is the marrying age in Korea or what is “how are you” in Hanggul. It could be a more sensible conversation about seeking for work-life balance. It may be a painful lesson that regardless of what they say, you cannot trust all people. Or, if you’re lucky you can learn that some people will really stay with you and you'll be willing to stick with them too.
Learn from all of them.
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