I cannot believe time flies so fast! it seems just yesterday when we were having this new year's eve celebration for 2007.. yet now.. it's already 2008. whoa. we really get to grow old fast.
2007 was really a greaaaat year for me. It's not only filled with happy memories.. it was damn filled with sad ones too, it's more of the not-so-happy-ones actually. This year came in a package.
2007 was full of pressure.. as a graduating student, a lot of pressure was put on our aching backs.. investigatory studies, projects, videos and a whole more requirements for graduation... the thing which i was most scared of.
i was not ready to detach myself from my friends that never left me for the past 4 years. i wasn't ready to dettach myself from high school. promenade, senior's party and graduation all came this 2007. high school life seemed too good to last.
the package contained the college pack in it. there had been a lot of adjustments and shock. seems that i cannot adopt with the new environment easily. UST was a tough battle ground. Difficult lessons and pressuring syllabus from our brilliant professors welcomed us. Yet, it was still fun. i've met new persons and friends. My being Thomasian started this 2007.
Hence.. this year ended with so much beginnings.
It's just the beginning of tougher challenges that awaits me.
it's the beginning of a new friendship that's starting to blossom within our block.
It's a beginning of leaving all the bad things that had happened to me.. and surely, I ain't bringing it back.
Whatever it is, i am ready.. GoD will always be with me. I trust Him.
Happy New Year!!

Hence.. this year ended with so much beginnings.
It's just the beginning of tougher challenges that awaits me.
it's the beginning of a new friendship that's starting to blossom within our block.
It's a beginning of leaving all the bad things that had happened to me.. and surely, I ain't bringing it back.
Whatever it is, i am ready.. GoD will always be with me. I trust Him.
Happy New Year!!
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