by - 10:18 PM

It's already 1am, yet I am still wide awake. I'm definitely going to miss this one, though I know that school's still going to keep me awake at the dead of the night once this vacation is officially over. But we, students, perfectly know how utterly different it will be.

Staying awake at this time because I got a very long sleep this morning is so much better than keeping my eyes from shutting because I lack sleep due to school works.

It's feels a lot more better that the reason I stay awake by this time is because I have nothing else to do, than to remember all the things I still haven't finished studying; the thing which always keeps me awake at midnight.

Tell me which one's more comforting idea? Drinking milk for you to, atlast, sleep or drinking coffee as you can't afford to doze off while studying? I'd choose the former.

You could spot me reading books till 2 in the morning every night this vacation. But I wasn't reading College Physics, or Integral Calculus. I was holding a Sparks's, Coelho's or a Rowling's. The latter couldn't have looked less dull.

And the fact that I could sleep in for hours till my mom wakes me up for lunch is the best thing missing whenever I stay up late for Physics or Calculus. I couldn't imagine the struggle. It's always hardest to wake up early on the chilling dawns of January. I don't mind preferring back pain and body sore due to over sleep over the headache and dizziness due to the lack of.

It is the six-letter word that widens the gap and strikes the huge difference -- STRESS. It's the thing that hibernates whenever we are on vacation and strikes back with full force as soon as school piles us up with quizzes and exams. He even brings his bestfriend -- PRESSURE. I missed everything about school but them. They are the two pals that I never, and will never, miss. But I must say that they shouldn't hold their grudges, coz whatever they do they won't beat me. I'm tough enough to handle stress and pressure, and I can do a lot better than cracking up.

Oh well, I'd say I have to say good bye to my midnight detours on sites for now. For the mean time, I am going to face the school world again; prepare for our prelims and the whole lot. Then, voila, I won't even notice that the sem's over again. So I think I probably shouldn’t be saying goodbye. I’d say..

See you in a few!

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