Okay, first things first. I admit it, we're not the happiest/jolliest family during Christmas. I don't mean that we're not happy that it's Christmas, it's just that we are not the kind'a family you see on tv. Hehe. But really we're happy.
We celebrated and bonded on December 24, since we do not want to go with the Christmas mania during the day perse. That happened to us last Christmas '06 in moa. Dang, we were squeezed tah death. So we decided now to bond a day earlier. We spent our day in Alabang, Festival Mall then to my Aunt's place in Citta. It was fun to see my cousins. Some of them I have not seen for two years. I missed them! And then we set up the things we bought till 12am, Christmas day. Hehe.

I admit, our celebration is not that fun anymore since my lola isn't here in the country. We usually spend our Christmas day in her house because all her sons and daughters and apos go there to have a reunion. Oh well. Too bad her citizenship whatev asked her to stay for long in US.:(
Here in our compound, Christmas is always a very simple and humble. After all, it's not the day that matters, it's the spirit of Christmas. As our pastor says, everyday should be Christmas day. Coz everyday, till forever, we have the gift that God gave us the moment He send Lord Jesus Christ in this world. :)
God bless you.
Merry Christmas.
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