Gimme some love!
It's February already! It's LOVE MONTH!

Bataan experience Part I.
It was an experience after all. It's my first time in Bataan, to teach kids, and to be part of a community service.
My learner's name is Luisa. She's a very quiet kid, and even too small for an eight-year old. I chose her because I felt some pang of pity when I saw her so aloof and quiet in the middle of a very excited and hyperactive crowd of kids. Then, our facilitator told us that we need to teach two more students since there came a lack of teachers. My other two learners are Crystal and Emman. Emman is so gwapo! He might pass for a child star role. I even asked him if he fancy being a child star, but he told me that all he wants is to draw and play. Kids.
Teaching Emman and Crystal is very easy. They're so jolly and bibo. I don't even do the kid-talk when I teach them. I feel like I'm just talking to Vanessa. But Lucia is being hard. She's very quiet and it seemed like she did not want to be there. What shocked me most was that she don't know how to add single-digit numbers! Come to think of it, our lesson plan was about multiplication by two's and three's yet my learner doesn't even know how to add. Wah. So I had no choice but to teach her how to add. All these months, what have they been teaching her??
That experience made me feel so blessed and thankful. I am looking forward to the two more trips in Bataan next week. I want to teach them some more. Plus the fact that I am enjoying some out-of-town activities with my fellow Eng'g schoolmates.
Some more LTS pics on my flickr account.
I've started reading "The Green Mile". Its pace is a slower than the other novels. But I tell you, it's waaaaay slower than SS' novels. But I think the slow pace is because the novel is released series per series. It's like a hundred pages per series. But I bought the complete serial novel so I have to keep up with its pace. Bibitinin ko nalang sarili ko every after series. HEHE.
Nagdidiet ako, okay? I have been skipping dinner for more than a week already. It's getting to be an acquired habit.
School's making me busy. Gosh. We've got a lot of things to do before the Eng'g Week. Quizzes, reports, homeworks. WAH. Which reminds me that I have to go now. I'll take a quick rest then hit my Calculus book right away.
I don't think this blog will be getting some more often updates from now on. Kasi nakakatamad sa Blogger!! Grrr. But I'll be keeping this, still. It's my oldest blog aside from my Multiply. Hehe.
Sige babu.
Bataan experience Part I.
It was an experience after all. It's my first time in Bataan, to teach kids, and to be part of a community service.
My learner's name is Luisa. She's a very quiet kid, and even too small for an eight-year old. I chose her because I felt some pang of pity when I saw her so aloof and quiet in the middle of a very excited and hyperactive crowd of kids. Then, our facilitator told us that we need to teach two more students since there came a lack of teachers. My other two learners are Crystal and Emman. Emman is so gwapo! He might pass for a child star role. I even asked him if he fancy being a child star, but he told me that all he wants is to draw and play. Kids.
Teaching Emman and Crystal is very easy. They're so jolly and bibo. I don't even do the kid-talk when I teach them. I feel like I'm just talking to Vanessa. But Lucia is being hard. She's very quiet and it seemed like she did not want to be there. What shocked me most was that she don't know how to add single-digit numbers! Come to think of it, our lesson plan was about multiplication by two's and three's yet my learner doesn't even know how to add. Wah. So I had no choice but to teach her how to add. All these months, what have they been teaching her??
That experience made me feel so blessed and thankful. I am looking forward to the two more trips in Bataan next week. I want to teach them some more. Plus the fact that I am enjoying some out-of-town activities with my fellow Eng'g schoolmates.
Some more LTS pics on my flickr account.

Nagdidiet ako, okay? I have been skipping dinner for more than a week already. It's getting to be an acquired habit.
School's making me busy. Gosh. We've got a lot of things to do before the Eng'g Week. Quizzes, reports, homeworks. WAH. Which reminds me that I have to go now. I'll take a quick rest then hit my Calculus book right away.
I don't think this blog will be getting some more often updates from now on. Kasi nakakatamad sa Blogger!! Grrr. But I'll be keeping this, still. It's my oldest blog aside from my Multiply. Hehe.
Sige babu.
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