Belated Happy Father's day to all the dads out there. I wasn't able to greet on time because I'm kinda losing my blog fetish. Hehe.
School started last week. As usual, it's dull. The professors weren't yet in the mood to discuss so we're usually dismissed early. We usually had 2-3hrs break everyday last week. Err. You know, I really missed our block. Due to our different schedules, we rarely all meet up. So this is one of the rare times. Picture picture! Nick was our photographer. May potential, hehe.

Jane Aldridge!! I can never brave her fashion style because, uhm, I find most of it weird. But I love the way she carries herself with all the clothes plus the super high-heeled shoes. She's a sophisticated, radiant and blond Texan chic. You gotta love this girl!
Will Smith. Great actor. Producer. Witty. Family man. Happy person. Overall nice guy. My number one favorite!! I love love love this man. Brad Pitt, move over.

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