I have been surfing the net all day. I've not updated myself with what's new for more than a week already. I've been exploring all these sites and I found these:
1. Super cool and super good shots! It caught my eye and I fell in love with it at a heartbeat.
I wish I can do these jumpshots! :-)
Dont you think fisheye rocks?
I don't know how photographers call this kind of technique. Making the photo look old. Whatever that is. It's beautiful!
Copyright belongs to all the super talented photographers in Photobucket. Click on the pictures to see more of their shots.
2. Ze supermodels!

Agyness Deyn, Giselle Bundchen and Heidi Klum. I'm not a fan of their waifish figure. But I love the way they carry it as if it's the best type of figure in the world (though it's really not.)
Agyness Deyn, Giselle Bundchen and Heidi Klum. I'm not a fan of their waifish figure. But I love the way they carry it as if it's the best type of figure in the world (though it's really not.)
P.S. Old theme. New header. New width. Some new colors.
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