2011: Looking Back and Forward.

by - 6:18 PM

Last day of the year. I just watched a pretty good movie; think I'm going to spend the remaining hours watching some more. I just can't wait for 2011 to be over.  

looking back:
2011 was as overwhelming as the amount of pictures in front of you. It was a year which I can say gave me a taste of everything -- experiences, friends, feelings and memories -- all of which I am thankful for. Honestly, I wouldn't feel bad about 2011 had I been prepared and briefed about all that was to come. But I guess that's life. You don't see half the things coming your way.

things that faltered:
Time management. I was not satisfied with the amount of work I exerted for the past year and I blame it on my poor time management skills. I could've achieved better had I utilized more of my time instead of lurking on Facebook, or slacking... or whatever. Too much time was wasted this year. 

Emotional stability. I am now an adult. It's not 2006 anymore where all the problems I face are project deadlines and my cluttered room. I got so overwhelmed with these new emotions that ate up all of me. I have to be stronger from now on.

Saving money. Cheesus. I was not able to save a single dime this year. Whenever I manage to save up at least two thousand pesos I rush to the mall and spend it. And then I'd go running to the ATM to get some more money. WTF. I really need to grow up and stop spending.

Social Awareness. I kinda blame it to our TV-less dorm. Everyone's working on how to help the victims of typhoon Sendong and I was like "when did that happen?" I was not proud of my ignorance. I really promise to be more aware of what's happening around me and go out of my zone. 

Spiritual Life. I rarely went to Church this year. Rarely read the Bible. Rarely had a focused devotion. And what did I gain? Nothing. I just lost myself and a lot of things didn't go my way because I was so lost. 

looking forward:
2012 has a lot of awesome things in stored for me: Hell months that are January, February and March, Graduation, six months board exam review, the actual licensure exam and the gateway opens to the new chapter of my life. If I got overwhelmed by 2011, then I probably didn't hear 2012 coming. I seriously need to work on my emotional stability if I want to accomplish all of these in the coming year. 


That's my personal goal for 2012. Frankly, that is what I will need this year. Series of exams that will define my future are coming my way. A very tall obstacle is waiting for me as the new year starts and I really need to give it my everything if I want to have a happy March and an "ENGR." before my name by December.  

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