Title: The Hunger Games (Trilogy)
Year: 2008
Category: Books
Rating: Worth it
I know it's been absent for quite a long time, but at least my ROTW is back! Yay?
The Hunger Games is currently the talk of the town as its movie adaptation premieres tomorrow. For the past three years the trilogy has hooked so many fans all over the world, ranging from kids to adults. The trilogy is composed of The Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay. I remember two years ago when my roommate recommended me this book. Back then I just lost my reading mojo and time was starting to be a luxury so I did not bother to read it. But now that I'm currently on vacation and my father bought a tablet, I gave The Hunger Games a chance. I'm not a fan of reading ebooks but for someone as broke as I an, my setup ain't so bad at all.
Book 1: The Hunger Games
Without further ado I want to tell you that the first book, The Hunger Games, is awesome. There's poverty, survival, idealism, resistance, romance, family all rolled into one. The narrative is very compelling, props to Suzanne Collins, and the characters are very three-dimensional. Never flat, never dull. Katniss' character is well-written and she reaches out to the readers easily. She's smart, strong and definitely not some dumb Bella. Plus, she's a kickass! I love her.
This book is full of raw feelings and while I was reading it I felt so overwhelmed with its heart. Yes, this book has a heart as big as its sense.
Book 2: Catching Fire
I'm still torn which book I liked more. This book is.. angry. Like a bomb waiting to explode. I realized that I had a harder time putting down Catching Fire than The Hunger Games. I feel so tensed and carried away to the point where I went "OMG" loud and proud while reading it. Thank God there's no one in my room when that happened.
The book successfully managed to bring up the intensity, excitement and tension to another level. Just enough for people to die waiting for the third and final installment which is
Book 3: Mockingjay
disappointing. I read the three books consecutively for one week so I really noticed the drop in the narrative. It's what I hated so much. The hero became sulky, emotionally unstable and emo. I know its part of the story for her to be psychologically shitty but why should Suzanne Collins take her to that? The pointless emotional drama in the supposedly climax of a brilliant trilogy. Sigh.
I was rooting for Mockingjay to be awesome. I wanted a kickass ending to this story but what I got is a lovesick book with a lame ending. Oh well.
Of course, the disappointment I felt for the third book is also just a personal opinion. I just felt heartbroken that it has let me down.
Overall THG trilogy is definitely worth it. It's not just there for plain entertainment but it delivers something deeper and more significant. If you have nothing to do this summer, this is a good way to keep boredom at bay and be entertained :-)