
by - 9:04 PM

Finally after 6months! My hair was super dry and full of split ends that my stylist got shocked when he saw me. Haha. 

I really have no idea how to manage my hair --my self actually-- ever since I started working. I wake up at the ungodly hours of dawn (four fucking thirty) and I only have an hour to summon the energy to get up, eat breakfast, bathe, etc. It's usually the hair that gets compromised among all the routines. Hayahay. That's why I always channel the natural/nomakeup/kunyare effortless/messy look sa work. Maybe it's just me but it do wonders to my mood when I have all the time to beautify and make myself presentable before I go to work. But with my schedule, who would have the time for all of that? Hayahay ulit. 

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