Am I on a growth spurt or what?

by - 9:44 PM

Okay. I have a situation. My digestion is on a roll nowadays. I AM ALWAYS HUNGRY.

Any food that I eat -- rice, oatmeal, fruits, fruit juice, milk -- makes my stomach full for only 1 hour. After that grace period, I start looking for food. 

HIIT and BURN - Okay this is my first hypothesis. There are several articles and studies claiming that High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can burn calories for up to 38 hours after a workout which means the metabolism also spikes up during that time frame. I didn't believe it at first, but I think I do now because I really get hungry the next day after my workout. And it's not even psychological because I really hear my stomach growl for food. 

EXPERIMENTS I am preparing for an upcoming conference in December which means my lab work is on its high nowadays. I don't want to call it cramming but I want to present the best set of results and a really good progress to the conference so I've been doing a lot of experiments on weekdays and even on weekends. My work really requires physical labor so I suspect that the hunger pangs mean that my body needs more fuel to function. 

COLD WEATHER This is not a valid hypothesis since I workout at home with a good heating system and it's not even winter yet. Haha. But I want hot coffee and baked sweet potato all the time. (Just saying) 

And just to clear it up: I never starve myself. I eat every time I feel hungry and that is the problem. I try my best to pack sweet potatoes and buy the friggin $2 banana from the convenience store but I cannot make sure that I'm eating healthy all the time. But if I don't monitor my snacks I'm gonna lose all the progress - NO! The best that I can do is learn to curb my hunger because I cannot remember the last time I felt full from a proper amount of meal and that banana is so expensive. 

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