Day 13: Someone I would want to switch lives with for one day and why
My generation has been going through adulting in social media. If there's one thing that Instagram has taught me, aside from tweaking my photos to achieve that perfect filter, is that people's lives are far different than what we perceive. So if I think deeply about it, there's really no other life that I wanna live other than what I have right now. But if only for a day, I would want to spend a day living like Amal Clooney. I have a lifelong fascination with brilliant, career-oriented and sympathetic women like Natalie Portman, Amal Clooney, and Emma Watson since I was young. I wanted to grow up like these women and now that I've grown up, it's a bit sad that I don't even have a quarter of their brilliance. Lol. I am always curious how these people start their day - do they wake up before everybody else, just like Bill Gates and Elon Musk? Do they have a mindful daily routine? Are they intentional even in the mundane? Do they also slack and waste time on social media like me? What makes it to their priority list? I'm also curious to know how they come up with big decisions. Do they spend 3 days being anxious over the outcomes or are they as elegant and graceful as they are perceived to be?
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